Friday, April 22, 2011

Leaders who see the Big Picture

John Maxwell talks about the importance of being a leader who is a big picture thinker. “We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.” - Konrad Adenauer. If one desires to seize new opportunities and open new horizons, then one needs to be a big-picture thinker. 1 – Be a leader who is open to all possibilities. Do not focus on certainty and try to fit data, preconceived ideas, or dreams into holes where they are not meant to fit. Be open and look at all the possibilities in God’s will for your life and calling. 2 – Always be a learner. Be someone who learns from all your experiences, and especially all your failures. Always remain teachable and take chances. Learn from your victories and defeats. 3 – Learn from people. Allow God to use all people to grow and form you. Seek out mentors and counselors to help walk with you in your journey. Be a learner among learners as a leader. 4 – Go against the flow of the world, don’t limit God and live in boxes. Remember that with God all things are possible and there is a whole world out there that you have never experienced. See the big picture of your life and the story that God is telling through it. Remember Ephesians 3:20 and Remember why you were created and are alive today. See the big picture of God’s story in this world and the story that He is telling through your life.


  1. I guess I wanted to hear more about what you thought about this article. I think that your reflections would be a indicator of why you chose this article. Whenever I read a story about someone who made a discovery that was thousands of years ahead of his time that also was against the common knowledge of the day, I think of the many people who get it wrong. Being forward thinking doesn’t always mean will be a) right or b) successful. I really like what Maxwell was talking about, being a teacher, and looking for opportunities to learn. This predisposes you to make amazing discoveries or even get behind someone who is against those who say otherwise. The point isn’t to always be right or to always be successful but to always learn and expand.
    I wonder going forward what that looks like. What is the balance between keeping the old which may be a “flat-world” mentality and moving forward with a “sphere” mentality. I want to be a learning leader, but I don’t want to change with the blowing wind. In order to ground myself, I look forward to creating my non-negotiables, as a place to stand on in times of uncertainty and in change.
    -Nathan McWherter-

  2. I guess I should have said this in the post but what I wrote in my post was what I got out of the article. If you compare my post to the actual article they are not exactly the same. What I posted was what I really got out of the post and the four points where my reflected thoughts and words from what I took from Maxwel fours points. I should have articulated that better! Just thought I would let you and Dr. Dan know that.

    Hope this helps

  3. were* my reflected thought, not where my reflected thoughts


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