Friday, April 29, 2011

The Heart of a Servant Leader

The heart of a servant leader needs to remember that they are a servant first before one can be a true leader. I am reminded about how one must be a servant leader like Jesus Christ. I think so many times leaders start to think of themselves as bigger and better than the people that they are leading. The article makes me remember the kind of leader that I want to be and that I need to be. The article talks about the importance of having Christ at the center of your heart and being fully devoted to Him. I think many times when leaders have successfully lead for a while that they start to get comfortable and start leading from themselves and not from being fully devoted and connected to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit within them. This reminds me that I am nothing without Jesus Christ. So many times the thought creeps into my mind that I’m better than others or good enough to lead from my own self, but I am not. I am nothing without Jesus Christ and I need to cling to him with all that I am. I am reminded of how important it is to cling to Christ and be a servant who leads by example and from God’s heart within me.. I need to cling to Christ, without Him I am nothing. I need to remember that! Are you fully depending on Jesus Christ or are you leading from your own strength?


  1. Ryan, I always appreciate your willingness to remind us where everything must start. Your insistence for dependency upon God is refreshing and encouraging, continue to be faithful to what the Lord is calling you to in this important task.
    I think you articulated a piece of leadership that is often undervalued, namely the place from which a leader derives his/her personal convictions, vision, and understanding of what it is to lead in a particular context. Each and every leader must look somewhere to find a source of discovering and deciding upon their own leadership style and approach. Many look to major names in leadership; others will find material from classic leadership theory. For you, and I would posit all of us as well, the source must be the intimate connection with the Father.
    With the foundation set for your leadership model, I want to push you to think critically then as to what that looks like. How will you display your radical dependence on Christ in the context of your ministry? As we look at Jesus, we see him leading in many different fashions in different contexts. Christ’s source, the Father, was secure, but the way in which he practiced leadership took on different forms. How will you lead?

  2. Dan I really appreciate your comment and encouragement to me. I really do value your friendship and your heart and love for the Lord. I thank you for being open about your love for Jesus Christ and not being afraid to hide it. I also thank you for pushing the envelope with me in encouraging me in striving and figuring out how I will display the need to be connected with Christ in the context of ministry. I appreciate your comment and your question. Thanks for being a good friend and brother in Christ! Thanks for your encouragement, it means more than you know!

    I am glad God blessed me with your friendship in being an intern together last year!

    Thanks Dan...Jeremiah 29:13



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