Friday, April 15, 2011

Leaders Care

“Caring for and protecting others gives you strength, love, and courage to lead.” When the disciples asked Jesus who would be the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven, Jesus described how one must be like a child. Jesus explained how the one who is least among you all, is in fact the greatest (Luke 9:48). Jesus also explains how one must love one’s neighbor as their self. He explains the story of the Good Samaritan who loved his neighbor by putting his neighbor’s need above his own (Luke 10:27-37). I believe Jesus was explaining an essential aspect that we all must have, leading people by caring. This video describes the leadership aspect of how when one puts another above them self, they find strength to face and conquer their fears and gain the courage that they need from the love and care that they have for others. “Great leaders care more about the ones that they lead than themselves.” In the video you see a little girl overcome her fears with the love and care that she has for her little brother. You also see this happen in the life of Jesus. He cared more about His people than He did himself. We too must be leaders who care more about the people we are leading and treat them as neighbors in Christ. In caring for others, we will find the courage to face our fears and help the people we are leading! Are you a leader that truly cares?

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, I like how the post uses Jesus as the model for doing leadership by putting other people above oneself. It seems that Jesus also loved the Pharisees enough to demonstrate how they did not get the spirit of the law, but rather lived according to the letter of the law. He definitely loved them so much and lost his own life over the various issues. They were more concerned about their position and power than in healing a person on the Sabbath. Even Malchus, the servant of Caiaphas, was restored to wholeness after Peter cut off his ear. That would have served as an inescapable witness to the love of Christ. But Caiaphas stubbornly pushed forward to have Jesus crucified. Everyday when Malchus showed up for work with the High Priest he would have been reminded of the great love of Jesus. Even with all the chaos in the garden that night, Jesus was calm and in control. Jesus leadership was one of love and always putting others first including the very people that would have him tried and arrested, and eventually crucified. Caring more for others cost him his life. What a wonderful caring Savior.


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