Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Enjoying the Journey

In this video Rob Bell talks about an interior journey which allows us to experience joy in the here and now. He then juxtaposes this joy with the external goals that often drive us. There is an innate tendency in us to what “to obtain this, and to purchase that, or to get that done.” But “at the heart of the Gospel is that you are bless right here right now.” We spend so much time trying to “posture ourselves” while the whole time we are searching “for the treasure” we fail to realize that we already have it. He drives his point home by affirming, “I really think that the tomb is empty and I think that we are going to be fine. I think the only thing left to do is enjoy.” God is simply inviting us into this reality.

While this discussion is broader than the topic of leadership, it nonetheless can have considerable impact any leadership discussion. People almost never verbally vocalize their dreams of success as they enter ministry, but they are very real emotions. These dreams drive us to make decisions that will produce the result that we have always dreamed of. This is not to say that dreams are bad, but far too often our dreams become the things that we seek, and in the process we miss out on the joy that can be experienced here and now. How great would it be if our fears of not being “successful” disappear and we could enjoy the journey? Rob’s words could drastically impact leadership if we realize that all we need is here… now.

1 comment:

  1. Provocative Post. I have always liked Rob Bell so I am not a hater but I also don’t agree with everything he writes. Unfortunately I find balance is useful on the future vs present conflict. I do agree that this post does speak to leadership. I do agree that it is important that we take time and unashamedly “bask in the moment, right here and right now.” However, leadership at its core is in many ways influencing, inspiring, and motivating others. I agree that there has to be a balance between vision for the future and acceptance and even enjoyment in the present reality. But leadership, by its very definition is called to reach, to strive, to provide direction, and motivation. Without leadership, without dreams, we would all just be hangin out. Nothing would get done. We would all have this appreciation for our “blessing here and now” but it truly would only do us good, and no one else. I appreciate you for reminding us that leadership is not just the production of results and how we can miss out in the process of meeting those underlying emotions/dreams that fuel leadership. However, without those dreams, that striving, that accountability to vision, would we even be considered leaders?


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