Friday, May 6, 2011

Financial Leadership

One leader in the financial arena is Dave Ramsey. He teaches about getting your own character in order before leading others. A person can change his or her family future by using a money plan to strengthen his or her marriage. Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, a popular national radio host, and author of several books. Some of the New York Times best-sellers including "The Total Money Makeover," More Than Enough," and "Financial Peace University." Ramsey teaches from experience of being wealthy, losing it all, and then rebuilding his financial life. He devotes himself to helping ordinary people understand Finances 101. Many families struggle to make ends meet. Ramsey states that 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, regardless of their income. Financial Peace University teaches individuals and families how to get out of debt, how to stay out of debt, and build wealth. His 13-week video based study is easy to understand. The videos are hilarious and teach the basics of saving, budgeting, investing, insurance, buying and selling an home and much more. The average family eliminates $5300 in debt while saving $2700! Since he does not sell insurance or investments he can objectively let one know what insurance to buy and what to avoid. The program teaches how to eliminate stress that comes from financial problems. One can protect his or her family from life's emergencies by setting financial goals and learning to talk about money. Excellent program for churches too.


  1. I agree that Financial leadership is certainly an area that is needed in the church. If a person is not able to properly take responsibility for their own financial wellbeing, they would not be the right person to manage the church’s finances. The church is a religious institution, but it also has a business side. The church is not only responsible to pay their necessary building expenses to remain open for business, so to speak, but they must also have a vision to work outside of the church in community. The church cannot expand in ministry if it does not have someone at the helm that has financial leadership knowledge. It would also be good for churches to have a periodic class for the people to attend on money management. After all, the people are responsible for supplying the church with an income. If the parishioners are strapped for money, living from paycheck to paycheck, their ability to support the church is also strapped. God’s word says that a borrower or a lender be. Perhaps we at the church should take lessons from financial leaders how to put that into practice. Maybe then we will not have the stress of living paycheck to paycheck.


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