Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Are you a Transformational Leader?

The author speaks about how in today's world of fast paced life and business, we have a tendency to try and control more and trust people less and try to “manage the system, and squeeze every last drop of efficiency out of it.” This is often at the cost of the people that are contributing to the creation of the entire operation in the first place. The author concludes that “it does not take much to see the cost of all of this, just take a look around at the state of the world, and you can see the apathy, reluctance to take personal responsibility for the outcomes of our actions, be it at home, at the office or in the world at large.” The article talks about one of the possibilities of changing all this is to change our focus, and be more upfront with some of the critical issues that are around us. The author believes that being a transformational leader means many things, and from the academic perspective, there are 4 specific areas that others can identify you by which are: 1. Charismatic Leadership, or Idealized Influence. 2. Inspirational Motivation. 3. Intellectual Stimulation. 4. Individualized Consideration. I think that the author notes some interesting characteristics of transformational leadership and appreciated his notion of the need for authenticity which gives a person a “unique and powerful ability to be congruent with who you are in the work that you do and taps into a power that is unheard of, let alone experienced by most people in this world.”

1 comment:

  1. In your blog, you do not answer your own question. Are you a transformational leader? I am interested in your answer. I have done some research on transformation leadership. Have you ever been in a group situation where someone took control of the situation by conveying a clear vision of the group’s goals, a marked passion for the work and an ability to make the rest of the group feel recharged and energized? This person just might be what is called a transformational leader. Transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that leads to positive changes in those who follow. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well. The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns.1 According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when “ leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation." Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions and motivations to work towards common goals.


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