Friday, May 6, 2011

Does My Leadership Reflect My Maturity In Christ?

"The Distinctives of Christian Maturity and Leadership"

Have you asked yourself what does a mature Christian look like? How is spiritual maturity reflected in Christian Leadership? This article discusses the characteristics of Christian maturity and Leadership. Within these characteristics we cannot overlook, as it states, “the supernatural element involved and how Christian maturity and leadership is to find its source in a personal relationship with the living Christ through the Holy Spirit and in the light of the special revelation of God, the Holy Bible.” A theme that seems to be consistent within each article, that Christian maturity and leadership is reflective of being a servant, reminding us that there is only One who is truly number one and that is Christ Himself. It reminds us that we have to take a look beyond the secular world’s view of leadership and success and remember that leadership is a gift from the Holy Spirit and as such we as leaders are led by the Spirit in our leading not by our own agendas, pride or arrogance but trusting in the Spirit to help us lead with diligence. Not only is our leadership Spirit led but our abiding relationship with Jesus Christ is integral in us leading effectively with love and grace. As leaders, we are subject to the things of this world but are transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation and the continued relationship and intimacy with God so that we walk in His purpose doing the things He would have us do with the vision that He has given us.


  1. I agree with this article and Mildred’s response to it. As I was reading I realized all the work the Professor did to see the personalities vs. leadership styles and realized how great a God we have. As the article indicated, God does not send leaders as the world has leaders, he calls leaders based on their willingness to serve Him. God uses the personality of the leader he calls to help mold them into the leader he needs. I really resonated with this article because it made me think about all the work we are doing to become prepared to become leaders in the church and really, we can do nothing without the help of the Spirit through Christ. All the preparation is in vain if we do not allow the Spirit to work in and through us. As Mildred said in this article “not only is our leadership Spirit led but trusting in the Spirit to help us lead with diligence . . . but our abiding relationship with Jesus Christ is integral in us leading effectively with love and grace.” We cannot come to seminary believing in our own abilities, we need to remain in and of Christ, trusting in his ability through the Spirit to guide and direct us.


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