Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Charlie Brown, of Peanuts, said...

A quote from a famous cartoon character of Peanuts, Charlie Brown, "Few people are successful unless other people want them to be." What is servant leadership? The concept of servant leadership begins by being a servant first. A servant leader must first learn to serve before taking on a leadership position. Servant leaders serve because they are motivated by love and humility. Jesus is the perfect example of servant leadership. Jesus humbled himself and became a servant of all. The following Bible verses provide a concept of servant leadership. Matthew 20:25, 26 states, “Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” The philosophy of servant leadership reveals that the leader is not the master of all but should be the servant of all. Leaders take a different approach and seek to build others up and bring the maximum benefit to the organization. Servant leadership seeks the best for other people because it is one of the best ways to build a strong company. The idea of service resonates in many different company structures and fits effectively with service related fields. The attitude that the company will go great measures to meet the customers needs. Servant leaders take the focus away from themselves and place it back where it belongs, on other people. Leaders become focused on the best interests of others both employees and consumers.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post Norman. I appreciate the back to basics analysis and summation of what true leadership is. I think that it is important that we as future leaders are basing our understanding of leadership on the Bible. One of my favorite movies in college was, Animal House. I still laugh today at the scene with John Belushi when he begins his speech, “and when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor…..” This scene culminates with Belushi inspiring everyone to follow him out of the room…but, no one follows him. Apparently no on truly believed in him, except himself. Empowerment and delegation are possible only if capable individuals are available to accept leadership assignments. I guess that party animal “Bluto” does not fit this description. Jesus truly turned normal cultural understandings of power and hierarchy on their head. He brought a radical new definition of success and leadership. I agree that servant leaders take the focus away from themselves and place the focus on not just other people but God. All glory to Jesus Christ. The overall litmus test of this type of leadership is the simple question, “who gets the glory.” If there is anything but God, than our perspectives and hearts are not in the right place.


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